Many people are genuinely scared of aging but, it is worth questioning whether their fear is caused by the process of aging or the feeling of helplessness that comes with it. As you grow old, you get more and more dependent on others. This is what led to the recent increase in facilities such as old homes that cater to the needs of aging individuals.
As the world progresses, the average life span of humans also increases, meaning that there’s always an entire group of old-aged individuals that need to be accommodated in society. Aging is a natural process, and there’s nothing you can do to delay it. But, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel! So, what you can do is take note of these innovative technologies being introduced to help and support the older demographic.

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Here are some that can reshape the traditional perspective when it comes to old age.
Cera Care
Based in London, UK, Cera Care is a technology-enabled home care company that uses technology to arrange and manage home care for the elderly and through a digital platform. It also allows people to find work in-home care. One of the exciting creations by the company was that of ‘Martha’, just like ‘Siri’ or ‘Alexa’. Martha’s job is to provide virtual assistance to caregivers, making their routines easier and simpler, thus helping them provide the best quality of care to their clients.

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Calico, Google’s Secret Health Venture
Science dictates that the average life span of a human being has crossed 80. Thanks to technology and advanced medicine, many people can enjoy their 80th birthday and many more. Sadly, however, people generally do not have optimal health during the late years of their life. Old age comes with its own set of challenges.
Calico, also known as California Life Company, has focused on studying the science behind aging and how to stop it. This company is researching on increasing the average lifespan and ensuring a better quality of life. Their startup ventures have already begun working and promising on tackling diseases from Alzheimer’s to Parkinson’s to even cancer. They have invested around $2 billion to find treatments and secrets to leading long and healthy lives.

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As these companies and start-ups begin to flourish, there’s no telling on what the future might look like. After all, who doesn’t want to live forever?