When you are traveling around the world, you have to keep track of your expenses. It becomes easy to save money on your trip when you know the costs of the places you are heading to. You can have an idea of how much you would need to spend and keep aside the rest. Food is an essential aspect of traveling and better if you can find good food at low prices. To whichever place you go, you are sure to come across street vendors or cheap restaurants that have a menu of lip-smacking foods you won’t forget. Aside from saving a good deal of money, you can also experience how people from different cultures prepare their food. So without any further delay, dive in.
Fresh Sushi, Japan
Traveling to Japan can burn a hole in your pocket. Everything there can be really expensive, except some delicious fresh sushi. Most restaurants in Japan wouldn’t be harsh on your travel allowance. Kaiten-sushi or rotation sushi are some of the best eateries you can have your dinner in a while in Japan. You can have any sushi of your choice. The maximum you need to shell out is $0.082. You can drop in at any restaurant every night, and all you need to pay is $0.082 per night. Doesn’t that sound fantastic? You will have a significant sum of money to spare while coming home.
Traditional Stir-Fried Rice, Indonesia
Nasi goreng, found in kaki lima, street delis, is a popular traditional dish in Indonesia. You would usually find these street delis in areas where there is a lot of foot traffic. Nasi goreng is a unique preparation of rice, vegetables, shredded meat, and then a fried egg is added as a topping. The dish will be prepared right in front of you and served fresh and hot.
You can try out this dish in several restaurants in Indonesia. Not only is Nasi goreng delicious, but it’s easy on your pockets too. It would cost you something around $2.13. Therefore, it’s an extremely cheap dish. So, if you are visiting Indonesia, make sure that you try Nasi goreng. You would love it for sure.
Tacos, Mexico
Mexican cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the world. When you yearn to taste some delicious Mexican dishes, the first thing you would preferably do is drop in at your nearest Taco Bell. However, if you plan to visit Mexico, you have the golden opportunity to taste tacos at a price where they truly belong. You can enjoy Tacos while you are strolling the streets of the country’s capital, Mexico City. There are lots of shops selling this national comfort food at really low prices. You can taste authentic tacos for just $2.
Bunny Chow, South Africa
If you think it’s a dish containing Bunny, you are mistaken. The name Bunny comes from Banya, a term used to refer to the Indian population residing in Durban, South Africa. In North India, businessmen are called banyas. So, now you understand where the word has come from. While preparing this mouth-watering traditional dish from Durban, loaves of bread are hollowed out and filled with chicken stew, mutton, etc. Bunny Chow is available in both mild and extremely spicy flavors. You can enjoy both of them as well. You need to spend something in the range of $3.42 and $4.10 on one order.
Pretzel, Germany
If you are traveling to Western Europe, don’t forget to taste German cuisine. People relate Germany with sausage factories and beer halls. But there’s much more beyond that. There are several places which would give a taste of what it is like being a German. In the street stalls, you would see numerous several gastronomic options. However, the main dish of all is the pretzel. The cost of one pretzel dish lies somewhere between $1 and $4 and tastes awesome when you pair it with a cup of hot black coffee.e
While you are on vacation, enjoying local dishes in the country you visit won’t cost you much. So, you can savor tasty dishes to your heart’s content without having to worry about your budget. Every food has a story to tell. If you are eager to explore the culture and lifestyle of a certain region, you must try the local delicacies. As you already know, there are already cheaper alternatives to fine dining out on the streets.