Who says digital nomads can’t be in a romantic relationship? Look at Claudia Canu and Sebastien Pelletier!
Claudia Canu was beta testing “Nomad Soulmates” when she came across Sebastien Pelletier (the creator of “Nomad Soulmates”). Canu, who signed in from Balli, had plans to relocate to Bansko, Bulgaria. However, post her five-minute call with Pelletier, things took an unexpected turn.

Inverse | Claudia Canu and Sebastien Pelletier, digital nomads who fell in love with each other
Canu and Pelletier started talking and ended up meeting in Bansko over a five-day trip. But unfortunately, their time together wasn’t long-lasting as Pelletier’s Visa was expiring soon. At that time, Canu had to choose between traveling with Pelletier and staying back at her dream location. And she decided to move with him to Serbia. That was the price she had to pay for falling in love with a digital nomad.
However, that’s not all! There are a lot more things attached to this fairytale-like lifestyle. And today, we’re going to give you a glimpse of what it’s like to be in love with a digital nomad. But before that, let’s get to know who these mysterious-sounding people are.
Who are digital nomads?
Digital nomads are a group of people who work remotely while traveling from place to place. These people disagree with the idea of settling in one place and often work on a contractual basis. Some of them even create their own businesses and operate them online.
Stark realities of being with a digital nomad
There are certain things you need to know before falling for digital nomads. They are-
· Their choices and idea of a partner
Aline Dahmen, the co-founder of “Nomad Soulmates,” says that digital nomads value their freedom a lot. They hate the idea of nine-to-five jobs and love to travel from place to place. But like most people, even they long for like-minded partners. They wish for a partner who feels excited about sharing their lifestyle and follows them along on their expeditions.

Daria Shevtsova/Pexels | Digital nomads value their freedom a lot. They hate the idea of nine-to-five jobs and love to travel from place to place
· Their fears
Dahmen says most nomads stay away from relationships thinking that it will take away their freedom. But in reality, that’s not true. Being committed to the right person who shares the same dreams and passions will never risk their freedom and love for traveling.
· Their take on regular activities
Rachael Woldoff, a professor at the University of West Virginia, says that digital nomads are nowhere close to remote workers. They have a different mindset and a whole new description of freedom. They don’t like to indulge in activities performed by regular people like buying a house, going to church, celebrating holidays, getting married, etc.
· The issues they face after getting committed
Several digital nomads, including Canu, admitted that nomad relationships get intense rapidly. At times, the decisions made by one partner don’t sit well with the other. Plus, there’s not much of a surprise element since the partner is constantly around you.

Cottonbro/Pexels | Several digital nomads admit that nomad relationships get intense rapidly. There’s not much of a surprise element since the partner is constantly around you.
A happily ever after continued…
Moving back to Canu and Pelletier, post their move to Serbia, the love birds traveled to Morocco, Spain, and many different places before tying the knot in 2019 in Gibraltar. Today, they are living a happily married life, and we wish them all the best.